Sunday, August 26, 2012

Reopen Case

A Hatian National who was ordered deported in 2000 and later married an American citizen. We filed a request with Immigration and Customs Enforcement to join us in a request to reopen his case before the Board of Immigration Appeals. After many months of negotiation with the Office of Chief Counsel Trial Attorney, they agreed to join us and our client will now be able to adjust his status to lawful permanent resident through marriage.
一个海地来的移民, 2000年获得了驱逐令。 后来和一个美国公民接了婚。 我们向美国移民和海关执法部门提出联合申请重新开案的申请。 经过若干个月的协商, 他们同意了。 我们的客人最终获得了绿卡。 
We may be able to do that for you too. 
Under US Immigration Law, when the judge orders deportation or removal of certain individual, the case is closed. However, unknown to many people, it is not always over. 
根据美国移民法律, 当法官下令驱逐后, 整个案件就结束了。 但, 许多人不知道的是, 有的时候不总是这样。 
In the event there is a change of law, or an argument or aspect of the case that was overlooked, your lawyer may request the court to reconsider the case;  whereas if there is a new law, new facts or changed circumstances, a counsel may request the court to reopen the case and to hear the case all over again. 
有的时候, 如果驱逐令下达后90天内, 有的时候案件可以重新打开审理或重新考虑。 请求可以直接向法庭提出。 
Both types of the requests must be made within 90 days of removal order with one exception where the ICE join the motion to reopen. 
The last situation is what we are talking about here. We can represent clients who have deportation order against them but have changed circumstances to move to reopen the case. The success depends on specific case and the time of decision ranges from 6 weeks to 6 months. It may take a few rounds of negotiation with ICE. But overall, it is the last resort for a lot of people and thus it is, in most cases, worthy of trying. A consultation with us may help with accurate assessment. 
可是当90天已经过去了, 法庭就不能直接接收重新开案的申请。 但这也还没有完。 如果美国移民和海关执行部同意联合请求重新开案, 法庭也会重新考虑案件。 这样的请求完全取决于美国移民和海关的判断。 他们的决定一般会在6个星期和6个月之间做出。 欢迎向我们咨询你的机会。 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hope After Deportation

A Hatian National who was ordered deported in 2000 and later married an American citizen. We filed a request with Immigration and Customs Enforcement to join us in a request to reopen his case before the Board of Immigration Appeals. After many months of negotiation with the Office of Chief Counsel Trial Attorney, they agreed to join us and our client will now be able to adjust his status to lawful permanent resident through marriage.

We may be able to do that for you too. 

Under US Immigration Law, when the judge orders deportation or removal of certain individual, the case is closed. However, unknown to many people, it is not always over. 
In the event there is a change of law, or an argument or aspect of the case that was overlooked, your lawyer may request the court to reconsider the case;  whereas if there is a new law, new facts or changed circumstances, a counsel may request the court to reopen the case and to hear the case all over again. 

Both types of the requests must be made within 90 days of removal order with one exception where the ICE join the motion to reopen. 

The last situation is what we are talking about here. We can represent clients who have deportation order against them but have changed circumstances to move to reopen the case. The success depends on specific case and the time of decision ranges from 6 weeks to 6 months. It may take a few rounds of negotiation with ICE. But overall, it is the last resort for a lot of people and thus it is, in most cases, worthy of trying. A consultation with us may help with accurate assessment. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012


婚姻是一生一世的承诺。 但不幸的事实是,离婚是很平常的事。 在西方国家, 50% 的婚姻以离婚结束。 现在通过网络而建立的恋爱关系的一对夫妻, 离婚率更是高达70%。 新婚夫妇, 在爱情的甜蜜间隙,应该严肃讨论财产问题。

当双方的财富数量有重大差异, 或即将有重大差异, 或双方或一方有子女要保护或赡养, 或双方或一方拥有生意; 双方或一方有大数额的欠债等等, 夫妻应该在婚前公开所有的财产资料, 签订协议。 这就是我们常常听到的婚前财产协议。 

在移民婚姻中, 这种财产协议尤其重要, 因为夫妻往往只是经过短暂的网络交往就决定结婚了。 双方对彼此各方面的了解不能说非常充分。 为了防止因金钱问题而引发的离婚, 也为了防止离婚的过程中昂贵的律师费用, 夫妻双方在婚前应该签订财产协议。 

如果婚前协议因为各种原因没有签订, 夫妻还可以签订婚后财产协议。 如果有一些情形, 婚前协议没有考虑周到, 夫妻也可以签订婚后财产协议。 

无论是婚前还是婚后协议, 非常重要的是要把所有可能的情形考虑进去, 并且双方都要100%公开自己的财产或欠债情形。 否则协议有可能被视为无效。 所有的努力都白费。 另外一个让此协议有效的重要的因素是双方要确保都是在完全理解协议条款的前提下自愿签订的协议。 

因此,为了真正有效地保护双方的经济利益和婚姻, 双方应该听取各自律师的意见。 千万不要行而上学, 觉得只要有一张纸, 哪怕是抄来的都行。 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012




8201 Peters Road Suite 1000
Plantation Fl 33324

2255 Glades Road Suite 324
Boca Raton Fl 33431

Tel: 954 892 5517

美国移民局和美国移民律师协会在8月15日公布了政府延迟法案的具体实施办法。 相信上百万人会相继开始申请。 美国移民局和美国移民律师协会同时发文再次提醒申请人隄防非法代理以下是美国移民律师协会对外发文的中文翻译。


  • 若某人告诉你关于一项秘密的新移民法,或声称与任何政府办公室或机构有任何人脉关系或可对其行使特殊影响力,请勿信以为真
  • 请勿向为你介绍移民律师的人士付款。
  • 若移民律师并不持有牌照,请勿使用其服务。
  • 请勿签署载有虚假信息的申请,也不应签署空白表格。若你必须签署空白表格,应确保你取得经填妥的表格副本,并查核该表格,以便在提交表格前,确保所有信息均属正确。
  • 经常就已提交的文件获取凭证–每当你的个案的任何相关文件提交时,应索取一份副本或政府备案收据。
  • 坚持签订列载所有费用和开支的书面合同,并确保你取得收据,特别是当你已支付现金。若合同条款变更,应获取书面解释。
  • 请勿让任何人士为你"物色"担保人或配偶以获取绿卡–这是违法行为。