Monday, February 24, 2014


很多人都搞不清楚他们到底能在美国合法逗留多久。 有的人签证还没有到期就回国了。 有的人呢直到碰了钉子, 甚至被逮捕了, 才知道自己违法超期逗留了。 这样的超期逗留靠解释是无法解脱的。 超期逗留的后果是被驱逐出境,并在今后若干年后不能回到美国。

签证持有人不知道他们的逗留期限的常见原因是他们混淆了签证页上的日期和I-94表上的日期。 签证是美国领事馆在和外国入境申请者面谈后颁发允许进入美国的文件。 这个文件是印在护照上的签证页。 签证页上有个合法至的日期。 签证持有人需要在入境处(通常在美国机场检查)的美国海关将该文件交给海关官员。如果外国公民所成述的此行的目的是与非移民签证上是一致的,海关官员就会放行。 

如果海关官员批准外国公民进入美国, 他就会发放I-94表格。 I-94表列出了外国公民可以在美国的法定期限。 一旦有了I-94表,I-94表决定外国人多久可以留在美国。 而在签证页上显示的“期间”不代表外国公民多长时间可以留下来,​​相反,它告知外籍人士一定时间内进入。

如果外国人的I-94表过期了,而签证持有人没有延期或没有调整身份,他的签证就会根据根据移民与国籍法第222(条)自动作废。这意味着,即使在签证本身还没有过期,但它会自动失效。 签证持有人必须重新获得新签证,新I-94后进入美国。  有了这样的认识,签证持有人应慎重保管自己的I-94表, 注意它的到期日。 他们也需要了解清楚签证有效期和在该签证下可合法逗留期之间的差异。

How long can I really Stay?

Many people are confused as to how long can they actually stay. When they were told they overstayed their visas, it could be too late because they could have been arrested by immigration officers and no explanation will be heard.  The consequence of such ignorance could be multl-folded. The most serious one will be deportation and barred from coming back to US in years to come. 

The common reason Visa holders don’t know the legal duration of their stay is that they confuse dates on Visa pages as duration dates.  As a matter of fact, They have a time stamp on Visa page and a I-94 card on passport that shows a time period. The underlined difference is actually that of a Visa and a I-94 card. 

A visa is a permission of entry issued by US consulate after interviewing applicants.  Visa holders are supposed to present this document to an immigration officer from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency at a port of entry (typically at a U.S. airport inspection). The foreign national will only be admitted to the United States if the stated purpose of his trip is consistent with the non-immigrant visa in his passport. 

If the US customs officers grant entry to the foreign national holding the visa, this person is given a Form  I-94 that lists the foreign national’s authorized period of stay. 

While the foreign national is in the United States, the controlling document is the Form I-94, not the visa. The Form I-94 dictates how long the foreign national can stay in the United States and in what status he is allowed to remain. The “period” shown on the Visa page is not indication as to how long the foreign national can stay, instead, it permits foreign nationals to enter within certain period of time. 

With this understanding in mind, nonimmigrants should carefully keep the expiration dates of their Form I-94, their E-2 Visas (if any) and their passports. They also need to clearly understand the difference between Visa Status and E-2 Valid Dates.  

Monday, February 17, 2014

Possible Delay for EB5 Immigration Visa for Chinese Nationals

Based upon the demand for EB-5 visa numbers and the volume of approved I-526 Petitions, the Department of State has issued a preliminary warning that a cut-off date may need to be established for China. No other countries in the EB-5 category will be impacted. If a cut-off date is established, it will not take effect until sometime after July 2014. This will only affect those born in mainland China and does not apply to those born in Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan.

Despite this preliminary warning, EB-5 investors should think hard before delaying the filing of an I-526 Petition or taking any other actions directly related to the possibility of EB-5 retrogression in China. In December 2012 the Department of State also predicted the establishment of a cut-off for China, but then reversed itself in February 2013. New EB-5 visas will become available on the first day of the next fiscal year, October 1, 2014, and the extremely slow processing of I-526 Petitions could spread the demand for EB-5 visas into the next fiscal year. It is important to note, the slow I-526 Petition processing times has also impaired the ability of the Department of State to predict whether EB-5 visa retrogression will occur.

On the flip side, if U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) speeds up I-526 processing the possibility of EB-5 visa retrogression will increase. As we have noted before, whether or not EB-5 visa retrogression takes place will have no effect on the processing of I-526 Petitions by USCIS. If the EB-5 visa does retrogress, it will likely delay individuals with approved I-526 Petitions from entering the U.S. and obtaining conditional permanent residency. This also may affect the way jobs are allocated to those EB-5 investors in the regional center context. Furthermore, once an I-526 Petition is approved, a child who is a derivative beneficiary of that I-526 Petition does not receive protection under the Child Status Protection Act. This could result in some children of EB-5 investors “aging out” if an I-526 Petition is approved but there are no EB-5 visas available.


基于对EB-5签证和批准的I-526申请量的需求,国务院颁布有可能对来自中国申请人的移民签证的年度配额的警告。美国移民局是批准移民签证申请的政府机构,国务院签证办公室根据美国移民局的批文负责发放签证。美国移民法对几乎每一种签证都有一个签发上限,EB5的上线是10,000个一年。众所周知,EB5的签证批准在过去两年内年年呈现极度上升趋势。 考虑到这一点,国务院做出这样的预测。 如果该年度配额一旦确定,将在2014年7月生效。 
尽管这是个初步的警告,不是最后的决定,EB-5投资者应认真思考拖延的I-526申请的后果因为这不是国务院第一次考虑这种方案。 早在2012年12月国务院就计划限制每年颁发给中国申请人的签证。 注意,不是不批给你, 是批文下达后,等待签证号。 如果当年签证号用完了, 申请人要等到第二年或更就才能入境。 

这种限制的后果要严重地多。 90%的中国投资者移民都是为了孩子。 一般情况下,当主投资人被批准后,家属随后可以一起申请签证。 但如果签证有年度限额,I-526申请被批准后,却没有足够的签证,申请人的孩子可能就会在等待的过程中超龄。 鉴于对该配额建立的可能性,美国移民律师协会EB-5委员会建议那些因为子女而要申请移民,而子女接近21岁, 要尽快开始申请, 不能再左顾右盼。 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

How is property divided in divorce?

What is “Property” Anyways?

When it comes to property, many people can think of real estate, bank accounts and jewelry. As a matter of fact, legally, assets actually includes assets, liabilities, and income.Assets include not only real estate, bank accounts and other tangible valuable stuff, assets also include retirement accounts, accrued sick and vacation pay, intellectual property such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights),  stock options, businesses and business interests. Liabilities include any kind of debt such as a mortgage, student loan, credit card debt, tax liens, car loan, etc.
Who Gets What?
The law will not intervene couple’s mutual decision if there is one.  All is fair in love and war, right? However, unfortunately, in many cases, spouses fight about their properties so hard that they make each other a hell. There is a saying, you see the worst side of a good person in divorce proceeding. If spouses fail to reach an agreement, the judge will decide for them. The judge will not divide 50-50, neither will the judge will consider who is at fault in the divorce. The judge will hear the facts and determine the scope and value of marital assets and divide accordingly. It is important to note, once the judge decides upon the division of property, it is final, there will be no way to change. 
How Expensive Can Divorce Be?
We all have heard nightmare-creating divorce battle where all money seem to have all gone to divorce lawyers as the battle dragging along. However, you don’t have to hire an attorney if you can manage to reach a marital dissolution agreement yourself. Theoretically, you cost to divorce can be as low as only court fee to infinitely high amount.  

How to Minimize My Divorce Expense and Headache? 

Let’s face it. If couples may communicate well, they wouldn’t reach the stage of divorce to begin with. Experienced divorce lawyers all understand that divorce actually brings out the worst side of the best people, which is the root reason for expensive and ugly divorce. Middle ground solution: 
Find a mediator, who is a trained third party and who is often a lawyer, to be the middle person to guide your and your spouse through the issues that matter the most to reach to your divorce in a timely manner. Mediators , although most of them are lawyers, don’t represent either party’s interest, during mediation and will help either one of you to face the consequence of stubbornness and distinguish matters at hand and emotional distraction. Chances are you and your soon-to-be-ex will avoid breaking of bank accounts and emotional distraught as a result of the dragging fight.  

If you have any questions or need any help at all for mediated divorce. It would be our honor to assist you. Please do not hesitate to get in touch via phone 954-8925517 or email to schedule a consultation.


当夫妻双方能达成协议的时候, 法律不会干涉你们的共同决定。然而,不幸的是,在许多情况下,配偶在离婚阶段恨不得让对方下地狱。 有句话说得好,你在离婚诉讼中看到的是好人最坏的一面。在这样的情况下,夫妻之间当然达不成协议,那么法官将为他们的决定。一般情况下,法官不会平分财产。 法官会听取事实,决定婚姻财产的范围和价值,并据此划分。要注意的是,法官决定财产分割的判决自做出时立即生效,不得申诉。 
我们都听说过离婚过程中钱都到了离婚律师的口袋里。 但你可能不知道的是你可以不聘请律师,如果你和你的配偶能就财产分割达成离婚协议, 你的离婚可以低至只有法庭费。

让我们面对现实吧。如果夫妻可以沟通,他们就不会离婚。这是离婚之所以昂贵的根本原因。那么,有没有中间解决方案呢? 答案是有的。
离婚协调人是一个训练有素的第三方。 他们的工作是做为中间中立方指导你和你的配偶就事关重要的事项达成协议。 这些离婚协调人虽然大多是律师,并不代表任何一方的利益,他们将帮助你和你的配偶暂时抛开感情的因素,冷静地处理当前最重要的事务。 在他们的帮助下,你和你的配偶有可能有效地讨论并达成协议, 并避免破财。 

Monday, February 3, 2014


离婚是个痛苦的过程。 做离婚的决定已经是非常艰难了, 有的人的离婚过程拖得很长, 充满的争吵和怨恨, 加上成千上万的律师费,无疑给生活带来额外的压力。 然而,有的人也可以做到真正的好说好散, 没有硝烟, 也不用把银行账户掏空。这样的离婚有什么不同之处? 

离婚的艰难程度取决于当事人的性格,牵涉的利益关系对当事人的重要性和复杂性。 有的时候当事人多多少少要靠律师和法院来帮忙解决问题。然而,一般情况下,越少依靠法院和律师,心痛程度和花销就越低。 

事实上,离婚的核心过程就是双方就同意离婚外的关键问题达成协议。 该文件是婚姻解散协议。不管事情多么复杂,只要夫妻都愿意谈判和妥协,法院不用当事人出庭即可接受的婚姻解散协议可以与受过训练的第三者,既专业调解人的帮助下达成。

许多专业调解人都是经验丰富的律师。然而,在调解过程中,他们不以律师的身份做事,也就是说,他们并不代表任何配偶的利益。相反,调解人的工作是帮助你和你的配偶克服情感障碍,谈判和协商,以达成符合法律条件,而且满足双方需求的离婚协议。在有经验的调解人的帮助下达成的协议可以被法院接受的,你和对方不需要请律师出庭辩护。 即使你需要出庭, 也可能是5分钟的确认过程。

所以离婚可以耗时耗力。 但在有经验的中间调解人的帮助小,精神和物质成本可以减小到最少。 

How much do you need to divorce?

Divorce has always had a painful sound to it. Everyone seems to have experienced or at least have witnessed one friend who suffered through a long and nasty divorce process, needless to say thousands of dollars burned in the process.  

Yet, good news is some divorces are quite amicable and sensible too. What are the differences?

The differences lie in various factors, including the personalities of the people involved, the importance of what's at stake, and sometimes on how much you rely on lawyers and courts to resolve troublesome issues. The rule of thumb is, the less you use the courts and attorneys, the less cost and heartache you'll have. 

As a matter of fact, the center piece of divorce documents is Marriage Dissolution Agreement. No matter how complicated the matters are, as long as couples are willing to negotiate and compromise, Marriage Dissolution Agreement that will be accepted by court can be reached with the help of a trained third party, which is called mediators. 

How Divorce Mediation Can Help
Many mediators are experienced lawyers themselves. However, in mediation, they don’t act in the capacity of a lawyer, i.e, they don’t represent any individual spouse’s interests. Instead, Mediators’s job is to help you and your spouse get over the emotional barriers to negotiation and negotiate a sensible divorce agreement that meets both of your needs.  The agreement reached with the help of an experienced mediator will most likely accepted by the court at ease and so you are not likely to be called to a hearing to judge. Even if you do, there will be only 5 minute session purposed to confirm.