Monday, October 14, 2013


事实上,一个企业是由美国移民局指定的区域中心并不意味着移民局,美国证券交易委员会或任何其他政府机构已批准由企业提供的投资,或以其他方式表达了对投资质量的首肯。相反, 美国证券交易委员会和移民局只是认可项目的商业计划符合了法律的规定而且意识到EB-5项目会(已)被作为进行欺诈性证券发售的手段。

在最近的一个案例中,SEC诉马哥A.拉米雷斯等人,美国证券交易委员会和美国移民局曾共同制止涉嫌投资诈骗,美国证券交易委员会述称,被告,包括USA Now区域中心虚假承诺投资者5%的回报,并有机会获得EB-5签证。据称,发起人在美国移民局已指定作为一个区域中心前开始征求投资者。 SEC指控,被告告诉投资者,他们的钱将被托管持有,直到移民局批准投资者的临时绿卡。 但事实上, 他们却将投资者资金挪用投资者资金到个人的印第安主题餐厅,如个人使用,被告滥用投资者的资金。根据美国证券交易委员会的投诉,投资者没有通过投资USA Now区域中心作为得到临时绿卡。 

在另一起案件中,SEC诉芝加哥会议中心等,美国证券交易委员会和美国移民局共同制止据称价值156万美元的投资欺诈。 SEC的指控,一个个人和他的公司使用虚假和误导性的信息吸引投资者投资于芝加哥“世界第一零碳排放白金LEED认证的”酒店和会议中心。 SEC指出他们虚假声称,企业已经获得了所有必要的建设许可证和,而且该项目是由几个主要的连锁酒店支持。据美国证券交易委员会的投诉,被告向投资者承诺,如果他们的EB-5签证申请被拒绝, 他们将拿回他们支付他们的投资和任何行政事业性收费。据称被告事实上在美国移民局审理的签证申请前已将超过90%的行政事业性收费用于个人。 

与任何投资一样,对EB5 项目进行深入细致地研究非常重要。具体如何判断EB5中心的合法性和真实性, 请和本所联系(954 892 5517)或者等下期分析。  

EB5 Projects Possible Scams

EB5 program enables foreign Investors to obtain conditioned green card via investment in designated regional center who creates 10 direct and indirect jobs for each investor based on a feasible business plan.  Conditions can be removed if actual 10 jobs are created using the investment. Worthy of note though, foreign investors who invest through EB-5 are not guaranteed a visa or to become lawful permanent residents of the United States.

The fact that a business is designated as a regional center by USCIS does not mean that USCIS has endorsed the project and has made a promise of green card to investors of such project. Instead, approval of a EB5 regional center is simply an approval on investment plan submitted by business owners to USCIS. As a matter of fact, the SEC and USCIS are aware of attempts to misuse the EB-5 program as a means to carry out fraudulent securities offerings.

,SEC v. Marco A. Ramirez, et al., the SEC and USCIS alleged the USA Now regional center falsely promised investors a 5% return on their investment and an opportunity to obtain an EB-5 visa. The promoters allegedly started soliciting investors before USCIS had designated the business as a regional center. The SEC alleged that while the defendants told investors their money would be held in escrow until USCIS approved the business as eligible for EB-5, the defendants misused investor funds for personal purpose such as funding their Cajun-themed restaurant.

SEC v. A Chicago Convention Center, et al., is another case which the SEC and USCIS coordinated to halt an alleged $156 million investment fraud. The SEC alleged that an individual and his companies used false and misleading information to solicit investors in the “World’s First Zero Carbon Emission Platinum LEED certified” hotel and conference center in Chicago, falsely claimed that the business had acquired all necessary building permits and that the project was backed by several major hotel chains. According to the SEC’s complaint, the defendants promised investors that they would get back any administrative fees they paid for their investments if their EB-5 visa applications were denied.  The defendants allegedly spent more than 90 percent of the administrative fees, including some for personal use, before USCIS adjudicated the visa applications.

The El Monte Regional Center story isn't a happy one neither.  El Monte received USCIS approval to raise money for the project via the EB-5 investor visa program. A detailed economic blueprint of the project from 2008 offers a good overview of the city's plan. Unfortunately, things turned sour quickly. In 2009, project executives John Leung and Jean Lang were arrested for alleged fraud and embezzlement.

As with any investment, it is important to research thoroughly any offering that purports to be affiliated with EB-5. You need to contact a trustworthy and capable immigration attorney for assistance in due diligence. You are more than welcome to contact us at 954 892 5517.